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Pay Attention to Common Swimming Pool Problems to Prevent them

Having your own swimming pool in the backyard is a great way to spend your time. Everyone in the family can enjoy it! However, there are some common swimming pool problems that can come along and prevent that from happening. Knowing what to watch for is very important so that you can prevent severe damage from occurring. Routine maintenance is very important to the longevity of your swimming pool.

If you hear any types of unusual noises you need to investigate. Chances are it is a sign that your pump or your filter is clogged or going bad. Always make sure you have the right size of pump and filter too for your size of swimming pool. You can find out these specifications online or from a swimming pool dealer. If you have an older swimming pool you may find it is a good idea to update your pump. The older ones dont seem to last like the newer ones due to the technology behind them. Any time you get a new filter or pump for your swimming pool try to get one with a very good warranty.

You will find that you have a water pressure gauge as well. Too many swimming pool owners dont pay attention to it though. However, with a close eye on it you will be able to prevent serious problems from occurring. Make sure you know what the pressure should be. When it climbs up higher it is a strong indication that your filter is blocked or that it needs to be replaced. This higher pressure makes the pump work harder too so you may end up having to replace more items that you would have if you dont keep a close eye on that pressure gauge.

It can be tempting to forego various types of testing on your swimming pool due to things being right all the time. Still, you need to stay in that habit because as Murphys Law goes, once you dont check it something will be array. Never let the Ph level get higher than 8.0. Ideally it should be from 7.0 to 7.6. Some people never check their Total Dissolved Solids either so make sure you do so. Some people do it monthly while others do it every six months. If you find you have trouble with calcium build up then that is an indicator you need to check the Total Dissolved Solids more frequently.

It is very important to keep the area where you place the chlorine clean too. Check it each time before you add new chlorine tablets to it. They tend to built up calcium and that will result in you not being able to get the chlorine you need to your swimming pool. As a result of this plenty of other problems can occur.

Make sure you take the time to remove built up from the trap at the pump too. You will be amazed at what gets caught up here. Mainly it is hair which can clog it and block the water from flowing through the pump like it should. This can also result in the pump working too hard and that will reduce the overall life span of it.

Many experts will tell you to add your chemicals to the water after the sun goes down. This way less of them will be evaporating during the day. This is especially true if you live in areas where it gets into the 90s or 100s during the summer months. If you cant commit to adding the chemicals in the evening then do it as soon as the sun comes up. At least that way your chemicals will have a few hours to sit in the water before the sun is beating down on it.
By avoiding common swimming pool problems you will find you enjoy it more. You also will reduce the overhead expensive associated with owning one. Routine maintenance is the key to having a great swimming pool that doesn’t continually have one problem after another for you to contend with.

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