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Heating your Swimming Pool

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Heating your Swimming Pool

Even in San Diego where it is warm and sunny most of the time you may find you need a heater for your swimming pool. This way you can enjoy it all the time at a temperature that you are comfortable. You will be able to control how cool or warm you want the water which is an advantage over going to a public swimming pool.

Pool Heaters San DiegoYou will find there are quite a few efficient heaters out there too for swimming pools. You may find that the one that came with your swimming pool isn’t among them though. If you find you are paying an arm and a leg for the resource then it may be time for upgrade. The investment you make with one that may cut your expenses in half will certainly pay for itself in no time at all.

There are also solar swimming pool heaters you should take a look at. These collect power from the sun into cells. That power is then converted to energy that is used to heat your pool. If there isn’t enough energy collected to heat it for the entire day then the backup source of electricity will take over when it runs out. The next day the solar energy will be collected once again.

You can further reduce the amount of energy required to heat the swimming pool by keeping it covered when not in use. This will allow it to maintain the heat that it has better than when it is just being mixed with the cool night air. It can beSwimming Pool Cover San Diego time consuming to place a cover on the swimming pool though. Investing in an electric tarp is very fast and effective. They are made for all shapes and sizes of swimming pools as well.

You do need to make sure the swimming pool heater you choose is sufficient for the size of your swimming pool. Don’t try to save money by installing one that is too small for the size of it. In the long run you will end up paying out more. You also won’t enjoy your swimming pool as much as you could be. You may need a professional to help you find the right one to invest in. With solar heaters the more panels they have the more energy they can collect at one time. You should strive to operate only on solar power for the heat instead of going back and forth between it and the electricity.Solor pool heater Lemon Grove

If you are shopping around for a swimming pool right now, the quality of the heater is something to really consider. Too many consumers don’t realize how important it really is until they already have the swimming pool installed. By knowing this is a feature you need to evaluate you can be sure you get the best possible overall swimming pool and equipment you can for the money you invest in them.

With a great heating system you will be able to enjoy your swimming pool all year round. You also won’t be afraid to open your electricity bill because of it. Make sure you routinely inspect your heating system too. That way you can avoid any major problems with it. Take a look at your warranty information too so you can get assistance if you do experience any problems.

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The Pool Store Lemon Grove

3282 Main St. Lemon Grove CA

Guide To Swimming Pool Filter San Diego

 Guide To Swimming Pool Filters

One item that every swimming pool must have is a pool filter. A swimming pool filter is the main process that keeps your swimming pool clean of the various debris that are brought in by wind, rain, cleaning toys, supplies, and swimmers. A pool filter works to keep the water clear and promotes safety and health while in the water. The pool filter has three main components that allow it to keep your water clear and safe for swimmers. There is a motor and pump that work to bring the water in and push it out during filtration. Then the filter itself falls into three categories DE (Diatomaceous Earth), cartridge and sand.

Pool Heaters San DiegoA DE (Diatomaceous Earth) filter is probably the best for filtering even the minutest particles that could be in the water. Diatomaceous Earth is a natural substance that is found in the soil. It has the consistency of a fine, white powder. A filter made of Diatomaceous Earth comes in two different types of filters, a spin filter and a vertical grid filter. These two terms simply signify how the filter is set up. The spin filter does not work as well as the vertical and is virtually obsolete today.

A sand filter makes use of sand to filter the water of particles and allows filtered water to run through easily. The cartridge filter works in the same manner as a Diatomaceous Earth filter but without the use of any substance other than fabric mesh to filter the water.

Here are a few things you should consider before purchasing a swimming pool filter:

Find the volume of the entire swimming pool. To find the volume you must consider the shape of your pool:


If your pool is rectangular– Multiply the following– Length, width, average depth
If your pool is circular– Multiply the following– Radius, 3.14, average depth

Next, figure the capacity of your pool. This will allow you to calculate how much water your swimming pool holds. This is an important factor in purchasing a pool filter. To find the capacity, multiply the volume (you found in step one) by 7.48.

You will then have to determine the type of filter you want. Consider if your pool would benefit from a cartridge, DE, or sand filter. You should also consider if you want the filter to be vacuum or pressure. It is suggested that you should make the filter slightly larger than your initial calculation to allow for better filtration.

When purchasing a swimming pool filter, there are a lot of different aspects that must be taken into consideration. For the entire filtration system you can expect to pay anywhere from $20.00(USD) to $300.00 (USD). Replacement filters are slightly cheaper in some aspects, depending on the type of filter your system uses, you can expect to pay anywhere from $4.00 (USD) to $200.00 (USD).

It is important that you follow all recommended procedures outlined by the swimming pool manufacturer. This will help you in maintaining clear and healthy pool water that can be enjoyed by all swimmers.

One item that every swimming pool must have is a pool filter. A swimming pool filter is the main process that keeps your swimming pool clean of the various debris that are brought in by wind, rain, cleaning supplies, toys, and swimmers. A DE (Diatomaceous Earth) filter is probably the best for filtering even the minutest particles that could be in the water. A filter made of Diatomaceous Earth comes in two different types of filters, a spin filter and a vertical grid filter. Replacement filters are slightly cheaper in some aspects, depending on the type of filter your system uses, you can expect to pay anywhere from $4.00 (USD) to $200.00 (USD).

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Call: 619-461-5530

The Pool Store Lemon Grove

3282 Main St. Lemon Grove CA

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